Collinstown/ Fore Community Games

Hi all... following on from our AGM, Collinstown/ Fore community games are all systems go for 2020.

Our outgoing chairperson Miriam Dolan has stepped down after years of commitment dedication and organisation and we thank her sincerely for keeping our club alive and kicking for the past many years. Micheal Gleeson, our club Secretary also stepped down due to personal reasons and we thank him for taking on this busy position over the last year and to Lesley for her help also.

We welcome our newly elected Secretary Siobhan Nolan and wish her well in this new position...I myself (Olive Brennan) am holding onto the Treasurers position and Paula Mulcahy remains as Children's Officer. However, we are still short a Chairperson and would urge anyone with an interest to put your name forward. Not only that but we would ask once again that all parents who have given their valuable time assisting out in all events to do the same again in the coming year as help is always needed and appreciated at community games events on these days.

As Micheal and Lesley have stepped down we now are on a hunt for chess and draughts tutors... we would hope to start back into the chess and draughts training in November so if anyone knows anyone who can help out please let us know.

Thanks everyone and looking forward to the community games year ahead.

If anyone who is not currently on our Community Games Whatsapp group and would like to keep informed of what's happening in the local area please contact myself 087-2259063 or Siobhan Nolan 087-6042143 and we will add your name to the group.

Thank you

Olive Brennan


Collinstown's Men's Shed


Collinstown Fore Community Games AGM