Spring Clean in Collinstown

Tidy Towns and Collinstown Action Group met this morning for a spring clean in the village.  We picked rubbish out the lake road, swept the side of the road in the village centre and picked the litter.  Picking the litter and sweeping has made such a difference to the look of the village.  This is something that everyone can help us with on an ongoing basis - simply pick up any litter you see when out walking. The flower beds in and around the village and out by Kidz Aloud were weeded and trimmed as well as some weeding done on paths.

Boyo Diversity helped us to plant some primroses today beside the new age friendly bench on the lake road.  This is a nice new focal point in the village and somewhere to sit and rest when out walking.  The primroses will multiply each year, are very low maintenance and are a great plant for early foraging bees, moths and other pollinating insects making them the perfect native wildflower for beside our new bench.

We upgraded our herb garden beside the school and our herbs are now planted in a nice barrel that was kindly donated by David Cunningham.  They look much better now - these herbs are great for pollinators and if you need some rosemary, thyme or sage for seasoning your dinner you can pick up a sprig while collecting the kids from school!

Thank you so much to everyone who came out to help today people from Tidy Towns and Action Group committees and volunteers - Joe Potter, Joe McNally, Virginia Jennings and Emily, Damian and Mary Duffy and girls, Martin Griffith, Anne Marie and Alan Nash. 

Well done everyone and see you all again on the last Saturday of next month - 27th April.


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